I was having a chat with a friend yesterday in my favourite cafe, Cream. We got on to the topic of the environment, and it's future. How do us computer guys and gals (he is a web coder) affect the environment? What could we change about our industry? What's our impact on Global Warming?
The Positives
On the one hand, I can feel proud of the software industry, with it's trend to download-distribution, saving in the manufacture and disposal of bound paper stacks aka manuals and polycarbonate and aluminum discs, aka DVDs. Less waste = good.
Also, I believe communication tools like our own Skitch application and site may mean people have less need to travel in order to work with a colleague. Or perhaps travel to the office four days a week, rather than five. After all, my company has people working in Australia, Europe and America and we work with people in South America, Japan. And no office building on any continent.
The Negatives
But on the other, dirtier, hand, the Macbook I am typing this on will probably be replaced in 1, 2 or 3 years. And even in the broader community, aside from dedicated tasks, computers are not much good beyond 10 years, or less. Once deemed worthless, a computer's intermingled parts are incredibly difficult to recycle. Only in recent years have makers like Apple reduced their use of PCBs, heavy metals and other substances.
Looking Forward
Building better tools for people to communicate, and make more effective use of their time and travel seems environmentally sound. What else? How can I, and the people in my industry have a more positive environmental impact?
Some 'out there' brainstorming:
- Hide the Print feature
- Build virtual communication technologies into every application
- Have applications Sleep when not being used to save some CPU cycles
- Build applications which can run on low, and recycled computers
- Create software to help upcoming countries manage their manufacturing and agriculture industries better
- Build applications to help people manage their home electrical, water, heating and recycling needs
- Apply pressure to hardware manufacturers by allowing software to only run on 'environmentally certified' machines. DRM for the environment?
- Encourage game creators to write software which pools the communities effort like the ESP game, rather than disposing of it like Solitaire
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